Sunday, July 24, 2011


A nice meal, great company and all of your efforts to gather a great group of people together to connect your circle of friends has come to fruition.

You have worked hard to:
  • fit into your outfit
  • set the perfect table
  • create the most social atmosphere
  • provide for everyones needs
  • clean the house
  • feel quite the host
Congratulations!  The fruits of your labour will become the stuff of which memories are made. 

Memories come in all shapes and sizes. They come from the moments that we reflect upon afterwards; they come from the facial expressions and touches throughout the day; they come from something we have heard or glimpsed; they come from all over at different times into our minds.

Be mindful of the fruit of your labour.  Don't let them slip away.  You will always have a bank of memories to draw upon....and unlike any other bank account, it continues to fill up even with withdrawals.

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