Friday, July 1, 2011

Accepting Me for Me

Life is so full of goodness.
Look at these beautiful children.  I can almost hear the laughter.
I have been blessed with two wonderful children.  They are growing quickly into and out of their teen years.  What I have learned the most from them is to accept me for me.  I can be the best mom in the world or the worst - how I label myself is my choice.  I know that my boys accept me as I am - faults and all.  They don't see the pressure I put on myself to be so good at being a mom - the way I think I should be a mom. As well as juggle a business, extended family, community involvement and finding time for myself...the acceptance of my humanity hits me square in the eye sometimes.  And then I hear the laughter or see a look that my now grown children used to give me when they were little and I can picture them in their red plaid ball cap and cowboy boots - all attitude, love and smiles!

And I learned to accept me for me.

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