Thursday, July 14, 2011

Live as a Leader

If only leadership was a button on our keyboard or an app on our phones.
Imagine what we could switch on and do, or re-do?
Unfortunately that is not the case.
Leadership is LIVE ACTION.
Leadership is change on a dime.
Leadership is taking what comes at you and making the best of it for others.
Leadership is straight-shooting, forward-thinking, dynamic, energetic, LIFE!

To live as a leader, you cannot separate the personal and the professional - you will always be only one person.  You will need to live authentically in all you do.  You cannot switch off from one type of individual to another based on the circumstance at the moment.  I am not talking about the many facets of our personality - I am taking about our values at our core.  (if you can switch off your values and actions...then that will be a difficult life). 

No matter what - you are always you.  The way to you act with your kids, speak to your neighbours, engage with your team, work with your colleagues, is all about the authentic you, living as a leader.

To learn more about living as a leader click here.

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