Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Learning is Action

The Element by Sir Ken Robinson
This amazing book opened up my eyes to learning.  Learning is action.  The Element is finding the space where learning, growth and happiness/fulfillment go together for you.  So for each of us it is different.  Take a minute to imagine that space - where you act in tune with who you are - you are a creative individual. Think about the people you you allow them to be in their element?
"People who think differently make the world a more interesting place. We need to nurture and help develop creative people, instead of labeling them as damaged."

[Temple Grandin, Author of 
Thinking in Pictures]

"Ken Robinson presents the theme of creativity and innovation in a way that makes you want to go out and make your dreams a reality. In his wonderfully easy-to-read and entertaining style he presents the stories of many who have done just that. This is a valuable book for educators and community leaders ... most important, it is a book that lightens and lifts the minds and hearts of all who read it.

[Susan Jeffers, PhD., bestselling author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® and Life Is Huge!

"The Element gives you the feeling that all is possible if we dig deeply within ourselves, utilizing imagination and curiosity."

[Vidal Sassoon, hairdresser and businessman] - (all reviews originally by theelementbook)
Sir Ken Robinson will be at Leadercast on May 6, 2011.  To find a site in your area click here:  Leadercast

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Business Life Coaching

Solution Linx Online Coaching offers online business life coaching solutions that will help individuals develop personally, professionally and physically. Solution Linx will encourage and support enrolees who wish to enjoy business life coaching in the endeavour to develop their own life goals and create a personal vision.

Solution Linx consists of a committed group of entrepreneurs, who, at different stages of life, have acquired diverse experience, skills and qualifications in business life coaching, leadership development, fitness and wellness, business and management. The goal of Solution Linx is to link individuals to solutions by providing online business life coaching.

A relationship with Solution Linx is also a business life coaching relationship. Solution Linx works with each individual to connect them to the answers that are already there, within themselves. At Solution Linx, the business life coaching partner will also gladly answer any questions that arise along the way. The business life coaching relationship is a two-way street and when Solution Linx provides a daily email relating to monthly modules, the member role will be to make business life coaching time a priority.

While enrolees take the business life coaching, the Solution Linx role is to prompt each member to be honest and look inside themselves for the answers. When taking the business life coaching members should be prepared to be open-minded when offered creative suggestions and be ready to change if necessary. Solution Linx urges members to respond punctually to email questions and ask questions. Business life coaching is focused on leadership, although members do not necessarily have to be a CEO or bear any title to act like a leader every day of their lives.

Solution Linx suggests that through the business life coaching, members will become aware that, acting as their best self, they can succeed in any venture and inspire and teach others along the way. In order for members to get the most out of their personal business life coaching, pre-work will assist them to focus on achieving the desired results. Solution Linx business life coaching will provide new and different perspectives and help members to reach the future they always hoped for. The ideal business life coaching result is that which is planned and targeted towards personal goals. Business life coaching at its best is an exceptional method to help members move forward and transform their lives into what they want them to be.

Solution Linx offers affordable business life coaching that is easy to use, convenient and helps to build self-accountability. The business life coaching provided by Solution Linx presents many topics that drive professional success. Each topic can be aligned to whichever role the member is currently in and also later as a career grows. Members who are looking to prove themselves to be authentic leaders in their chosen fields will be in the spotlight, have followers and have their lives scrutinized. Solution Linx hastens to add that all members enrolling for the business life coaching online can rest assured that all of their personal information will be secure and confidential.

Online Coaching

If you seem to be stuck in a rut with your life and are wondering how you can get out of it, then take a deep breath and relax because the solution to your problem is near at hand. For quite some time now, Solution Linx has been developing their online life coach programs so that you can still maintain your busy lifestyle, but the only difference is that you get to incorporate new ideas throughout your day that are meant to help you grow as a person. Becoming a better you, whether that is more confident, a greater leader, healthier physically and mentally, or any other goal is not much easier than it has been before because this program does not simply give you the answers – it helps you along the way so that you can find your own answers. This is not easy but it is far more beneficial for you in the long run. All you need at the moment is a little motivation to find a comfy chair and go online to the user-friendly website of Solution Linx Online Coaching!

Imagine being able to wake up and find in your inbox an email from Solution Linx and your personal online life coach that is there just to start the process of furthering you as a person. What many people do not realize is that making life changes starts with just one small step. It does not have to be one large stride – just a little bit every single day will ensure that you will not get burned out during the process and also will guarantee that in the end, those little steps will combine to make huge changes in your life. While it may seem so overwhelming at first, just keep up with it and continue to let your online life coach keep you accountable and offer up certain solutions that will encourage you to work towards the end goal. You will not find magical answers through this online life coach, but what you will find is many questions that will force you to find the answers within yourself. This alone means that you gain a whole new level of strength since you conquered this hurdle yourself! An online life coach may be just the thing to keep you accountable and it will never fail or get tired out because they are there on a non-biased basis to assist you in any way possible. So once again, grab a comfortable chair and get ready to have the options presented right in front of you on the computer screen because your positive life changes start NOW.

Still not sure which online life coach program would be best for you? Check out the variety of focus modules and things to consider.  Your online life coach is waiting for you to make a move, so sign on today and get ready to lead a more wholesome life filled with health and confidence.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Look for What's Next

We never seem to stop where we are to look around.  We are always looking for what’s next. And sometimes, what’s next may not be good for us.  So how about today, just once, we stop...and look at what we have and be grateful for where we are.  That we are here.  In one piece.   Living.  Breathing.  Here. 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

4 Steps to a Clear Vision

Which way are you going?
Do you have a clear vision....can you see in your mind's eye, the steps along the way to success?
If not, here are a few things to try:
  1. take a moment to write out your goal and how you will feel when you reach it
  2. write out the steps to your goal - what are the incremental steps, that when put together will get you to your end result
  3. write out your obstacles - anything that you think could get in the way of success and plan how you will overcome this - that way when it hits (if it hits) you are prepared and will not be thrown off course
  4. write out exactly what success would look like so that you will recognize it when you get there
You can also do this while driving - not the writing part, just the list-making in your head.
It also helps to share this with someone who can give you an objective point of view, providing more insight and ideas.

Let me know how it goes!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

How to Start a Nutrition Journal

Working towards healthy eating habits is not an easy task with all of the fast-food, processed food and simple, quick cooking dinners that are on the market.  One of the best ways to understand what you are eating so that you can eliminate some of that unhealthy quick-grab food is to actually spend a few minutes each day writing down what you have eaten.

You will be amazed at what goes in your mouth.

Go one step further, and write down why you ate it:
  • were you hungry?
  • was it meal time?
  • were you bored?
  • were you trying to stay awake?
  • were you thirsty and decided to eat instead?
  • were you just driving by and had a 'craving'?
All 6 situations need to be understood by you, especially the last 4.  What you eat can be dictated by why you are eating.  Take some time to investigate for yourself and then take a few steps to give yourself some healthy alternatives.  Here are a few:
  1. have unsalted nuts available for a quick snack
  2. buy organic produce
  3. wash and cut produce as soon as you return from the store so that it is ready to eat
  4. eliminate junk food and salty snacks from your cupboards
  5. eat a fruit instead of drinking fruit juice
  6. have your drinks with ice - more refreshing and you can crunch the ice to satisfy both thirst and the feeling that you need to eat something
  7. keep driving by and think of the money you will be saving instead of spending it on a craving
  8. eat breakfast! everyday
  9. drink green tea
  10. eat cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, kale etc - their high fibre keeps you full longer

Friday, July 29, 2011

What is Your Trajectory?

Have You Planned to Hit the Bullseye?
Professional success and personal development go hand in hand.  If you plan to reach your goals, you will hit the mark.  Helping to increase your chances of success and keep your career trajectory on track is the implementation of a personal development plan.

Pretty easy to do....list your strengths and areas of opportunity and quickly jot down ways in which you can continue to leverage your strengths to build your opportunities into strengths as well....or simple build more opportunities.

If you would like a template, simply post a note on this blog and I would be happy to send you one and walk you through it!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

What Does Your Voice Say?

Your voice is all about you.  It is how you come across to the world. 
What you say and how you say it  - the words + the tone + facial expression + action = YOU!

What does your voice say?  Is it positive or negative? Is it happy or sad?  Is it full of energy or quiet and mournful?  Does your voice reflect what you are saying, you are saying you are happy but your voice has no tone?

What about your body language?  Are you saying you are so upset while looking like you are jumping for joy?

There are many things to think about when we put our voice at the centre of our image of ourselves, at the centre of what others receive from us.  To learn more about your voice and how you are projecting yourself to the world, click here for a FREE e-book called 'Find Your Voice'

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Can You Adapt?

Change is happening all around us.  The world of work, the world of play, our communities are constantly changing.  How are you prepared to handle change?
Do you:
  • take a moment each week to step back and look at where you have been?
  • take a moment each week to look at where you are going and determine if that still makes sense?
  • talk to people in your industry, including competitors to understand how change is affecting them?
  • listen to your customers or clients and their needs so that you can help to create solutions to their problems?
These are 4 quick and easy ways to get ahead of change, or at least not get broad-sided by it.  Try it out and see what happens.

I Want My Life Back

This is the moment that you want to climb on the chair and scream! You have just realized that everything you do is for someone else. You are running from work tasks to home tasks and chores without stopping to take 5 minutes for yourself. You have realized that not one single task actually benefits or develops you. It is time to take your life back!

Yes, life is full of challenges. Yes, family, partners, kids, community commitments all are part of life. What you choose to do versus what you actually are two completely different things. Is life thrust at you and you simply take it? Or does life throw things at you and you choose what you will catch and work with today?

Take 5 minutes, right now, and make a list of everything that you did yesterday. Put an ‘M’ next to everything from which you personally benefited. That includes driving the carpool for soccer letting you spend time with your son and his friends – that is a personal benefit.

How many made the ‘M’ list? How can you re-evaluate the ones that did not to see if an ‘M’ could be applied? Waiting for your spouse at the grocery store, while it felt like a waste of time, gave you 20 minutes to sit and think, reflect and recharge. Did you use the time that way or were you drumming your fingers on the steering wheel impatiently, getting more bothered by the minute.

I am taking the long-winded way to say something ---perhaps is not that we ‘want our lives back’, it’s that we need to look at the activity in our lives and recognize them for the positive impact they offer, not just the time they take up. Can you do that?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What I Learned about B Vitamins

There are a list of B Vitamins, each with their own properties and influence on our system.  A complete set of B vitamins is called a 'Complex'.  You will find this at any grocery store with a pharmacy or any local pharmacy...even on-line.

All the B vitamins included in the Complex are:
Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12 and the vitamins Biotin, Choline and Inositol.

Here are a few things that the B Complex Vitamins can do for you:
  1. Helps body produce energy:  B1 converts the carbohydrates we eat into glucose, the other B vitamins work to convert glucose in energy.
  2. Regulates and stabilized nervous system:  B vitamins help with the correct functioning of the adrenal glands and the production of some hormones and nerve-regulating substances.
  3. Helps with digestion:  B vitamins breakdown fats, proteins and carbohydrates
  4. Helps maintain healthy skin and hair: B Vitamins work to promote cellular reproduction

Leaders Build Teams

"The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say "I." And that's not because they have trained themselves not to say "I." They don't think "I." They think "we;" they think "team." They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don't sidestep it, but "we" gets the credit...This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done." - Peter Drucker

Whatever your role, in whatever organization, you need Teamwork to succeed.  Solid leaders build teams by engaging others first, leaving themselves to the end.  Do you follow that leadership principle?
What can you change so that you can start to emulate Mr. Drucker's leadership model?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

3 Benefits of Green Tea

Daily consumption of Green Tea is a must!
Green tea will help you:
For more information, click the links provided.  Lots of great information is out there.
Happy Tea-Drinking Day!

I Know I Need a Coach When...

I ask myself these questions and get stuck finding an answer....

  • Am I on the way to professional success? 
  • Am I getting the recognition at work that I deserve? 
  • Do I do everything because no one else can do it as well as I do? 
  • Do I feel that circumstances beyond my control are dictating my destiny? 
  • Do I have trouble communicating with my boss? My co-workers?
Take control of your life....don't let life control you!
Investigate professional success coaching at the following sites:

Solstice Group Coaching

Mastermind Experience

Online Coaching

Lots of coaching programs have free sessions or trial opportunities, what do you have to lose?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Corporate Coaching Programs

The goal of Solution Linx Online Coaching is to link individuals to solutions by providing online corporate coaching. Solution Linx consists of a committed group of entrepreneurs, who, at different stages of life, have acquired diverse experience, skills and qualifications in corporate coaching, leadership development, fitness and wellness, business and management. Solution Linx offers online corporate coaching solutions that will help individuals develop personally, professionally and physically. Solution Linx will encourage and support enrolees who wish to participate in corporate coaching in the endeavour to develop their own life goals and create a personal vision.

A relationship with Solution Linx is also a corporate coaching relationship. Solution Linx works closely with individuals to help them connect to the answers that are within themselves. At Solution Linx the corporate coaching partner/coach will gladly answer any questions that arise along the way. The corporate coaching relationship is a two-way street and when Solution Linx provides a daily email relating to monthly modules, the member role will be to make corporate coaching time a priority. Corporate coaching participants will receive five corporate coaching emails and each email sets a task requiring members to read a passage, take an action, and think about or observe something. Each set task will require up to ten minutes per day, but members are able to expand on that and work deeper into the tasks provided.

While enrolees participate in the corporate coaching, the role of Solution Linx role is to prompt each member to be honest and look inside themselves for the answers. Members should be prepared to be open-minded when offered creative suggestions and be ready to change if necessary. Solution Linx urges members to respond punctually to email questions and ask questions if they have them. Corporate coaching focuses on leadership, although members do not necessarily have to be a CEO or bear any title to act like a leader every day of their lives.

Solution Linx suggests that through the corporate coaching experience, members will become aware that, acting as their best self, they can succeed in any venture and inspire and teach others along the way. In order for members to get the most out of their personal corporate coaching, pre-work will assist them to focus on achieving the desired results. The corporate coaching provided by Solution Linx offers new and different perspectives and help members to reach the future they always hoped for. The ideal corporate coaching result is that which is planned and targeted towards personal goals. At its best, corporate coaching is an exceptional way to help members move forward and transform their lives into what they want them to be.

Solution Linx offers affordable online corporate coaching that is convenient, easy to use and helps to build self-accountability. Corporate coaching offered by Solution Linx provides many topics that drive professional success. Each topic can be aligned to whichever role the member is currently in and again later as a career grows. All personal information of members will be held confidential and secure.  For corporate groups with more than 10 members participating, special corporate rates can be applied.  Please contact Solution Linx for details.

What is Soul?

Do you have one or is it an 'it'?  Can you feel it? Can you lose it?  Interesting questions that I am sure many philosophers have attempted to answer.  It is not a physical state, so hard to prove or disprove.  What is your soul?  Is it powerful, passionate and why you exist?  Is it the love you have for those around you?  Is it how you fill up your heart?  Or is it in your mind?  Or is it found in all the spaces in between?
A little something to think about today!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


A nice meal, great company and all of your efforts to gather a great group of people together to connect your circle of friends has come to fruition.

You have worked hard to:
  • fit into your outfit
  • set the perfect table
  • create the most social atmosphere
  • provide for everyones needs
  • clean the house
  • feel quite the host
Congratulations!  The fruits of your labour will become the stuff of which memories are made. 

Memories come in all shapes and sizes. They come from the moments that we reflect upon afterwards; they come from the facial expressions and touches throughout the day; they come from something we have heard or glimpsed; they come from all over at different times into our minds.

Be mindful of the fruit of your labour.  Don't let them slip away.  You will always have a bank of memories to draw upon....and unlike any other bank account, it continues to fill up even with withdrawals.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Stand Up Meeting

"Stand up when you're on the phone."  A USC study found that your brain's information processing speed increases 5 to 20 percent when you're standing. Think you may look a little goofy standing around your office? You'd be in good company. Thomas Jefferson, Ernest Hemingway and Winston Churchill all stood while working."

~David Cottrell

I once worked at a very large company that had so many meetings nothing could ever be executed.  They decided to institute a timer so that speakers at the meetings would get off of their soap-boxes and stick to the point.  This worked for all of about 3 days. 
The company had a counterpart in the UK.  They actually held the same number of meetings each day but in less time. When asked how this could take place, the answer came back with the following:
  1. a clear agenda with only 3 points max.
  2. only decision-makers attended the meetings
  3. every meeting started on time no matter if all were in attendance or not
  4. the attendees could leave the meeting if the host did not appear within 3 minutes of the start time without advanced notice
  5. all meeting were held standing up - NO chairs in the room
Pretty simply, this led to efficiency and productivity all around.  While the decision-makers were at the meeting, others were able to work on projects to meet deadlines.

Imagine that!!?  Try it!  It works.

What are Your Rules?

We have rules in the world to keep order. People develop rules in their lives to keep order as well.

□ Some rules could be meant to control things, like – you can only have 1 sugary snack per day.

□ Some rules could be made to avoid difficult situations, like – we invite our parents to separate events because they argue too much when they are in the same room.

□ Some rules are made and then re-worked, like – we will go to church every Sunday; we will go to church every Sunday that we don’t have baseball that day; we will go to church when we can.

Rules evolve and change with the way our lives work. When we add kids to mix, rules change or new rules are made up. We use rules to help guide and direct learning and living a positive and healthy life.

Look at your rules. What are they? Have they evolved along with you, or are you holding on to some rules and continuously breaking them instead of letting them evolve?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Reinvent Every Day

It takes courage to reinvent joys, to reinvent opportunities, to reinvent dreams, to reinvent connections, to reinvent hopes that you have set aside.

~Mary Anne Radmacher

I cannot think of anything else to say with this quote.  It is completely true and defines courage to a T.
Take a moment today to reflect on reinventing your own opportunities and dreams, making connections new and fresh and looking at your list of hopes and reminding yourself that they can be reality.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Untapped Business Opportunities

You are sitting at your desk, or better yet,  outside at lunch just relaxing and breathing for a moment.  Suddenly it hits you.  The idea of a lifetime.  You say “why didn’t I think of that before?”  it’s a business opportunity that has not yet been tapped. Perhaps it’s a new way to segment your market or a new way to market to your niche; it could even be a completely different industry, and you have discovered an innovative way to tap into it. 
What do you do now?
Try this:

□ Write out exactly what you have discovered

□ List all the resources & references that you will need to look at to investigate your new opportunity

□ Determine if you will need investors

□ Create a short plan with dollars and cents so that you can do a high-level evaluation of the plan.

□ Look at your lists and match that to your current available time to determine where this untapped business opportunity will fit into your timeline

It’s a start. You need to understand if the time you will spend here will be worth it in the end. From this decision, you will need to create your business plan and move forward.

Who knows? Through your investigation, you may figure out that this is a brilliant untapped opportunity for someone else – don’t be shy to pass it along.

Share with us....

Your Window of Opportunity

You have heard that expression – the window of opportunity – and usually there is something about it only opening for a short while. I am a non-believer in that statement.

I believe that the window of opportunity is yours to create. What you do with the openings, or chances, or opportunities that come your way, create your window of opportunity – and you get to choose what you would like to do at that moment in time.

Rarely, windows are provided to you, or described as such moments before they arrive. The opportunity is what you make out of what you see in time.

Go ahead – make more windows!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Which Way Do I Go?

"Never look back unless you are planning to go that way."

- Henry David Thoreau

Picture yourself here.  Looking in the rearview mirror.   This guy looks like he has left something behind.  Or perhaps he missed something along the way.  Either way, can he go back?  Or is that going backward?
Perhaps he can take a moment and reflect on how he missed it or left it behind and understand why that happened.  Going back is usually not the solution to anything...only causing more harm than good. 

I had the opportunity to go back to a job I had moved on from once.  Fortunately, I got to spend a day shadowing in the role and realized that the job was no longer what I thought it was - it had evolved (or changed) and my perception of the role, while still the same, no longer matched the job.  Happily I moved on to something new and different, and better.

As Thoreau says - plan to go back....investigate, reflect and remember, but don't stay there!

A Customer Service Experience

Every now and again you come across exemplary service. Las Vegas, Nevada is an amazing place – you would expect service. I got amazing service! Being from the southernmost part of Canada and visiting there in January, I noticed that my skin was very dry and I needed some moisturizer. I walked into the Sephora store that is located at the base of the Venetian Hotel & Casino and was approached by a wonderful, sweet lady who asked me what I needed. I explained the moisture situation and she got into action – finding the products that would solve my dry skin. This lovely ‘angel’ spent almost 45 minutes with me....and yes, I left with product – Philosophy product – but only exactly what I was looking for even though the ‘angel’ graciously showed me about 10 different items. Not only did she show me the products, she tried them on my skin, told me how to use them, alternatives, ingredients and more information than I could believe was available. She was very knowledgeable. I felt very comfortable taking advice from this ‘angel’. I thanked her and even mentioned the awesome service to her manager (who was on the salesfloor – if you can believe that!!!) I left smiling and happy.

Now after a few weeks of using the products as instructed, my skin looks even better, and the cold Canada winter that is hitting can’t even change my look. I have even had compliments on my skin.

Thanks ‘angel’ and Sephora – for the awesome service and product knowledge. Thanks Philosophy for the skin care products!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sometimes YOU are the Product

Sometimes YOU are the product – it is the service that you provide that is what the client sees as the product, you need to be focused on building the relationship for whatever amount of time it may take (statistics show that people need to hear the same message at least 9 times before they act on it).

 Listening is critical – we need to provide the response to their needs – sometimes we cannot do this right away as they are not sure what their questions/needs are – listening and continuing to ask questions of the prospect or client will help us get there.

 Providing value-add information with the letters and emails – so not just a pitch, but interesting information that make the client & prospect look forward to your information.

As the product, you are responsible for delivering what the client is looking for....are you ready for that?

Personal Leadership

So that time in your life has arrived in which you feel that you are not living up to your full potential and you might be wondering if there is anything you can do to get out of this slump. This can be a very depressing process, but what you should know right now is that there is help out there that can turn you into a leader and develop you into a much stronger person, and such help lies at the user-friendly website of Solution Linx Online Coaching. For quite some time now, this company has been developing their software and each employee working for them so that they will be able to provide some of the world’s greatest leadership coaching tools in existence. Each recipient will have access to plenty of motivation each day they wake up and look in their inbox. It all starts with just one step forward, or in this instance just a few clicks of the mouse, so go online right now and see what Solution Linx has to offer you through their top notch leadership coaching.

While you may seem to be stuck in a rut, you should not dwell here and feel like you have to accept this as a new part of your life. Change is quite possible, and the time for some leadership coaching is now! In fact, just by looking through this website it shows some initiative which is just one aspect of being a leader, so this means that you are already on the right track. With leadership coaching, this is just a tool that will assist you in being able to bring out what is already inside of you. This is not a means in which you can become someone you are not because everyone has their own unique gifts and talents. Be yourself and be proud about it! Leadership coaching through Solution Linx provides a way for people to take gradual steps towards being able to set their own personal goals each day while also encouraging you to take the initiative in settings that are also outside of work. Family, friends, certain social situations etc. are just a few examples of the places where it would be a good idea to start, and leadership coaching from Solution Linx is a great resource for this. This program for leadership coaching makes sure to work around some busy schedules and most find it highly convenient that it takes place in an email format, so get on board with Solution Linx to become a better you!

So now that the first step towards becoming a leader through some leadership coaching is here, what are you waiting for? The process is so simple that you will wonder why you never started this before since it has come to help so many already. Leading a more wholesome life is much easier now than before, so grab a comfy chair, sit back and relax as all the options are presented right in front of you through Solution Linx.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How I Invest in Me

Use this Blog Post to Share Your Ideas
How I Invest in Me

Here is a about you?
  1. Taking time to read a new book each month.  One for business, one for pleasure.
  2. I read the local newspaper on my iPad everyday.
  3. I attend one networking function each week to meet new people.
  4. Joined a new Rotary Club to meet people and get involved in my community.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How Can I Increase My Basal Metabolic Rate

Before discussion of raising the Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR, it is necessary to define it. Your BMR is the rate at which your body burns calories when you are at rest, completely at rest. To be as accurate as possible, your digestive system should not be actively digesting food, because digestion increases your metabolic rate too. Therefore, any testing to determine your BMR should be done after fasting for approximately 12 hours.

The factors that influence the basal metabolic rate are what must be determined in order to make your body burn more calories while at rest. The most important factor is muscle mass. One pound of fat burns 2 calories per day, while one pound of muscle burns 14-16 calories per day. Your muscles burn 7 to 8 times more calories than your fat cells! Basically this can be achieved through exercising with the aim of increasing your muscle mass. By raising your BMR in this way, you will be increasing the number of calories burned per day and therefore, provided that your eating habits remain the same, you will lose weight.
The best way to increase muscle mass is with resistance weight training. By lifting or pulling or pushing weights, you will progressively increase your muscle mass and strengthen you skeletal system as well, so that both get stronger. Slowly increasing the load while continually challenging yourself is the safest approach to reaching maximum results.

Recent studies have also shown that heavy endurance exercises, like marathon running or cycling, cross-country skiing, any aerobic activity that lasts a considerable amount of time and is performed on a regular basis, can also increase your BMR.

Why is it so important to increase your BMR? There are many factors in place, such as getting older (starting in your late 20's), menopause, and your genetic makeup, that decrease your BMR naturally. Staying fit and strong is the best way to prevent weight gain and improve quality of life as we age. These are the best reasons to increase your BMR.

Networking vs Relationship

There was a 2 week period in the last month where I was invited to more than 10 different networking events.  Through Facebook, LinkedIn and even from groups that I already belong to, the invitations kept pouring in. 
Now, I know I am not that business is barely a year old.  I started to look at the invitation lists - because on Facebook you can see who else is invited, attending or not...and noticed that there was not really a selection process, more or less, just everyone from someone's list.
I also noticed that many of the same people were invited to all the events, and a few were attending all of them.
That got me to wondering:
  • why would I go to all the events to see all the same people?
  • when do these people actually spend time working ON their business or with clients if they are out at an event everyday?
  • what focus is there on building relationships not just networking?
What do you think?

I think that as an entrepreneur there is great value to being out in the marketplace to be visible and get introduced to people.  I also believe that the value comes from taking time to get to know others, listen to their story, find out what makes them so passionate about their business so that you can understand them and your connection to them.  They may turn into a client - they may not...they may also be able to refer you to others, but it does not stop becomes continued connection through emails, or social media...staying in touch and following up for a personal meeting, even the odd phone call to see how life has been treating them - professionally of course!

What I have learned from all of this is the following:
  1. be selective in the events you attend and do your research ahead of time - who is the host, what is the goal, who is attending
  2. set a goal for yourself describing why you are attending - to meet how many people or which types of business owners
  3. say 'No' to the ones that do not fit with you, your business or your schedule - there is no point in wasting time, and energy

Saturday, July 16, 2011


 Peaceful, relaxing, meditative and soothing.

Blue is a color.

Blue can also be a feeling.

Blue like the sky. Blue like the water.

Blue like the tears that fall from my eyes.

Bring blue to me and see me at peace, at rest.

Bring blue to me and see me dwell, and float like a cloud.

Bring blue to me and find me searching for softness and relaxation.

Bring blue. Find blue.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Flight Cancelled

SOOOOO much is involved in getting ready for a trip.
  • passports
  • tickets
  • packing, how much does my luggage weigh, can I bring a carry-on at no charge
  • organizing at work, deadlines, follow up, key contacts
  • organizing at home, kids, newspaper, mail delivery etc
  • books to read, movie to watch
It is exhausting.  But eventually, you get there!
And then, they cancel the flight.  It is enough to make you lose your mind.
Well, don't!
This is the epitome of what you can 'control' versus what you 'cannot control'.
It happened to us, we arrived at the airport in time to check in and the flight was cancelled because they did not have a pilot.  You would think, that being a regularly scheduled flight, not a charter, that people would be assigned...not so much with this airline I guess.
We were able to get onto the next flight and they even bumped us up to first class at  no charge.
Key to this:  we all kept our cool, when asked how they could help - we honestly told them how, we smiled and said thank you and were polite.  No causing a scene or creating mayhem.  Kindness and patience comes back to you.
Do you have a story like this one?
Tell it here!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pictures in My Mind

Just like you have an inner voice, you can also see pictures in your mind.

This can be visualization – attempting to see something specific, or you can simply let the pictures form as you are listening to others speak.

This technique is very soothing, almost calming when listening. You can find yourself more centered and focused on what is being said – not anticipating what your response will be.

Try it. Listen to instructions with your eyes closed so that you can see the actions taking place as they are described. It will amaze you!

Live as a Leader

If only leadership was a button on our keyboard or an app on our phones.
Imagine what we could switch on and do, or re-do?
Unfortunately that is not the case.
Leadership is LIVE ACTION.
Leadership is change on a dime.
Leadership is taking what comes at you and making the best of it for others.
Leadership is straight-shooting, forward-thinking, dynamic, energetic, LIFE!

To live as a leader, you cannot separate the personal and the professional - you will always be only one person.  You will need to live authentically in all you do.  You cannot switch off from one type of individual to another based on the circumstance at the moment.  I am not talking about the many facets of our personality - I am taking about our values at our core.  (if you can switch off your values and actions...then that will be a difficult life). 

No matter what - you are always you.  The way to you act with your kids, speak to your neighbours, engage with your team, work with your colleagues, is all about the authentic you, living as a leader.

To learn more about living as a leader click here.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Certified Professional Success Coaching

Our website,, is not only a site on which online users can find a certified life coach, but they can use our website to enroll in affordable and convenient online life coaching, either as personal growth coaching, professional success coaching or health and wellness coaching. On our website we have posted links which relate to the role of the certified life coach, and what’s more, the online user who is interested in life coaching can use our resources to allow them to find out which of the coaching programs is best suited to their needs and if they are indeed coachable and will benefit from our online courses given by a certified life coach. The online coaching program is offered on our website for the price of just $29.95, with a one year commitment. This is an affordable price and taking into account the fact that a certified life coach usually charges a lot more than $29.95 a month, this means that Solution Linx can offer affordable life coaching, and the coachee can enjoy life coaching at times which best suit them. The costs of the other coaching packages can be seen when browsing our website.

The role of a certified life coach is to give an individual access to the tools and resources which will allow them to grow as an individual and reach their full potential. Many of us are totally unaware of who we really are, and we try to mimic or copy others, and in so doing, we are not allowing who we really are to come out and we will never reach our full potential. The certified life coach will help a person to find new growth, develop new ideas and stretch to reach new heights, and rather than simply stagnating, life coaching will give each person the chance to see a new beginning and the certified life coach will help them reach their goals, which before they believed was impossible. It must be remembered that during life coaching, the certified life coach will delve into the personal lives of each individual and over time, the trainee and coach will develop a personal relationship and bond and they will work together to reach their goals.

Each of the coaching segments has been divided into each to use monthly modules and each of the modules has been divided into certain topics, and with each module, the certified life coach will set goals that need to be achieved. An email will be received every week from the certified life coach, and this email will contain questions, and the certified life coach will offer insight into tasks and other activities which are necessary to move forward and achieve overall success. If you believe that you are not growing and that you are simply stagnating, and if you are not truly aware of who you are, Solution Linx’s affordable and informative life coaching will break barriers and our certified life coach will help you achieve success in your everyday life, from personal relationships to career success.

How to Tackle Fear

What can you do to tackle fear?

Fear can make us angry, timid, uncomfortable.  Here is a quick way to tackle fear:

Break your fear into small pieces and tackle each one individually.  If you give yourself an action for each small piece, the fear becomes manageable.  While you may never be comfortable, at least you will be more confident on your way through it.

Example:  Fear of public speaking, but due to your new job role, you need to speak at monthly meetings to report on team results.
  1. Start  with the meeting agenda - how much time do you have to speak?
  2. Understand what is required to be covered during that meeting.
  3. Determine what you can actually say in that time
  4. Write out your notes and practice in the mirror at least 5 times.
  5. Ask your team to listen to you say your part at least one day before the meeting.  This helps the team hear what you will say and help you practice in front of an audience with whom you are already comfortable.
  6. Dress professionally and comfortably.
  7. Take 3 deep breaths before you leave for the meeting
  8. Have your notes with you at the meeting to use during your time.
  9. Do your best - say your part.
  10. Ask for feedback after the meeting from a colleague or your boss.
  11. Implement feedback for next time.
It will work! 

Visit Solution Linx to Personal Growth to participate in online coaching - Conquering My Fears is a monthly topic!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Move It Move It Move It

When you say 'Move it, move it, move it' say it with some in the movie 'Madagascar'.  They are dancing to a great beat..and the energy is flowing.  Do you  Move it, Move it, Move it?
Do you get your body out on the track or the dance flow and make it move?  Get your flow going so that you are sweating and breathing hard and enjoying the limits to which you can push your body.
You need to.
Your body needs to move.
Even if you are stuck sitting at a desk or driving for a living, you need to get up/out and move around.  Get the blood flowing, get oxygen circulating, get your muscling moving.
This all will help you clear your mind and find energy to finish your day.
Do it.  Go now.
Move it.  Move it.  Move it!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Do You Have a Master Mind?

Napoleon Hill, author of 'Think and Grow Rich' is the father of the 'mastermind' concept.
The mastermind is quite simple.
The mastermind is what happens when more than one mind work together in harmony, focused on a common goal.  More than one mind can conceive ideas that a single mind may never find.

Joining a mastermind group - online, by teleconference or in person, can provide you and your business with a unique avenue to look into the future and create amazing new plans that are developed because of the focus on your business by more than one mind.

To learn more about the Mastermind Experience or to join a free teleseminar - click here.

FInd Yourself

Can you see into a crystal ball...find yourself and like what you are looking at right now?
Can you see your future?
Do you have plans for the New Year?
How are you going to accomplish those plans?

Turn them into goals - measurable goals - and take along a coach for accountability.
Sometimes we create goals and plans, and without an outside, objective partner to help us maintain accountability, we can easily (and quickly) fall off the tracks and miss our journey completely.

By having a coach, we can discover new perspectives, get objective viewpoints, receive challenges we may not have yet understood or even simply get recognition for taking the steps we are currently taking.

A FREE Coaching Discovery Session can help you understand if a coach is right for you - click here to learn more.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Strengths

You have strengths. Things that you do well.  Things that perhaps you can do better than anyone else.  Think through the following questions to create a clear picture of your strengths:
  1. What are your strengths? 
  2. How do they make you who you are today? 
  3. How did you get those strengths? 
  4. How do you use those strengths?
Understanding your strengths can help you to develop an action plan to use those strengths to develop areas you would like to improve.

To learn more about this visit Solution Linx to Personal Growth - there is a whole month that focuses on strengths including tools and resources to help you make the best of what you have.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Texture of Your Life

Life is full of texture if we take time to look at it.
We can look closely or we can look from far away.
We will see depth, colours, shine, bumps, waves, valleys, light, reflections and more.
What we do with the textures will determine the depth of our lives.
We can live on the surface seeing only colour.
Or we can live in the texture and feel the colour changes, the movement of lines, the growth of sensations and the waves that can carry us over the bumps that lie in between.
Our lives are our own. 
How we see them can change as we want/need it to. 
Help others see their lives as the rich texture they are.

Friday, July 8, 2011

How Full is My Cup

Everyone's cup is different and we look at our cups in different ways.  How do you see your cup?


Refillable or always Full?

Stackable - like you are juggling more than one cup?

Always full of rainbows and multi-coloured fun?

Or is your cup simply different from everyone else's so the measurement would be too?  In this case, your measurement would rely on 'draining the cup' or 'missing the cup'.

What is your cup like today?