Friday, June 24, 2011

Find Health

Personal Growth can come in many forms - reaching goals, managing time or quite simply, finding health.
Health itself, can be divided into a few categories:
  • muscle tone
  • cardiovascular health
  • lower cholesterol
  • reduce weight
  • eating healthy food
  • eliminating stress
  • sleeping enough
So many ways to find health.  To not look at a healthy lifestyle as part of personal growth would be like leaving out brushing your teeth and still expecting fresh breath.  You need to deal with the whole person.  Eating healthier,  creating a more active lifestyle will help increase your energy, reduce stress and propel your towards your goals in a quicker manner. 

Take care of the whole you. That is how you show up in life - one person, one mind, one body - not multiple parts that you can discount or leave aside!

To learn more about Health & Wellness Coaching click here

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