Thursday, March 20, 2014

International Day of Happiness

If there was ever a day to celebrate  - it's today!!
International Day of Happiness......and it's UN sanctioned!
Not only that - there is a theme song (according to me anyway!)

I love the minions....and I am sure I can write a story for them.  Instead, today to focus on you & your happiness take a moment out and do a check:

  1. why am I happy?
  2. what makes me happy?
  3. who makes me happy?
  4. who controls my happy?
Hint:  this is all about you!  Happiness comes from within.  It is a choice & don't let anyone take it from you.

You are awesome.
 Enjoy this day, and the next....and the next....

(A few more happiness posts may come your way - I was on a role with this topic!!)

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