Thursday, January 2, 2014

Personal Growth Starts Here

Off to a New Year!
And this is the time to get started on why YOU want in YOUR life.

Focusing on you may sound selfish to some.  In fact - if you can be your BEST you, then you will be AT your best for others.

Where to start?

  1. Reflect on 2013 - what did you accomplish?
  2. How did that make you feel?
  3. What can you see in your vision of 2014?
  4. Take 45 - 60 minutes and create that vision.
A few ways to create the vision:
  • make  a vision board - clip online images or magazine images
  • create a word picture - write out all the words that signify your vision of this year
  • write a letter to yourself - date the letter December 21, 2014, congratulating yourself on your accomplishments for the year.

Any of these methods will help you create that vision and start on your next steps to your BEST you.
Share other ideas on this blog or on our Facebook Page!

Don't forget your free trial app.

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