Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Can You Go It Alone?

Are you one of those brave souls that can go it alone and reach every goal you set for yourself?  I truly admire you...I sometimes lack this discipline.

Especially when it comes to eating right and exercising...doing things for me first before everyone else....I tend to forget that I need to be at my best to be my best for everyone else.

The discipline that was lacking has been corrected because of my work with a wellness coach that developed this app - and while this image says Nutrition, there are actually 12 months of coaching (self-directed with great prompts) that have helped me focus on myself in a way that did not feel all-consuming.  Check out the topics covered below - quite an array of ways to focus on wellness and being a more healthy me....how about you?

2.Making Time for Fitness
3.Getting Me Back to the Basics
4.Controlling Stress in My Life
5.Attracting More Energy
6.How to Say NO
7.Let’s Get Moving
8.Dealing with My Fears
9.My Cup is Half Full
10.Getting Out of My Comfort Zone
11.Meditation for Health & Wellness
12.My Foundation

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