Tuesday, May 27, 2014


June is just around the corner.
That is the 6th month of the year.
Are you on a roll this year?
Are you accomplishing the goals you set out in January?

Take out that list and look at it.  Really look at it.
What is working?
What is not working?
What is no longer relevant?
Where have you made strides?
When & where have you surpassed expectations of yourself and spend a few moments celebrating?

Now is the time to recalibrate and reach out to get the next goals in place or update the ones you have started.
Doing this reaching exercise now will get you on a roll through the month of June and into the hot summer months that sometimes can get away from us.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

All About Me

Taking chances is never easy.  Risk is what it is because of the uncertainty that comes with it.
What have you taken a chance on lately?
Where have you taken a step, understanding that you may land of shaky ground or even take a tumble?
What made you still take that step?
At the end of the day, that is usually about reaching deep inside of yourself to become a more authentic you...

  • was it a new food
  • a new workout routine or trainer
  • an apology
  • a change in direction or route
  • was it letting go of control or just simply letting something go altogether
Heading into the Summer months, is there something you want to attempt or try?
Write it down.
Then write down every obstacle you think can get in your way.
Now plan on how to overcome each one.

Now...write down or imagine the outcome - what does it look like?  what does it feel like?

If you can wrap yourself around the obstacles and the outcome, the risk tends to lessen because you have eliminated the fear.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

One Step at a Time

The HAPPY theme continues into May and this poster says it all.

It takes only one step at a time to focus on what makes you happy.

Listen to your gut - it tells you everything - especially about the toxic stuff that truly bugs you or bogs you down.

Once you have that stuff figured out, it is much easier to eliminate it from your life so that you can pay attention & focus on what makes you happy.

While this is not easy, here is a tricky solution to a difficult situation:
in my business, there is research I love to do & sometimes cannot get to it because of the other admin that gets in the way....by delegating the admin, I now can block time to do this research and feel good about both
You can apply this to exercise, cooking, chores, people.....take your time to look at your life and where you spend your time.  Is it doing things that make you happy? or not?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Water Ways

A gentle reminder of why we need to be conscious of the ways of water and what it does for our body.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Joy of Spring

This is the time of year where we get outside - look round and see the clutter we have created around ourselves all winter.  And this winter was especially long, wasn't it?!

Well, if your office or your house or your yard look like this, it is time to open the windows and air out the joint.  Step outside and clean up whatever is out there clogging your line of sight.

The simple idea of Spring Cleaning really hits at the heart of cleaning out the clutter, getting rid of what is in the way and putting away the signs of the cold winter, while we look forward to the sunshine and the blooms bursting forth from the ground.

This cleansing activity is quite amazing - you feel restored, refreshed and ready to tackle anything.

Get going - the first step always starts with you ....
the joy of Springtime is right around that next pile of stuff.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Find Your Groove

Whether you are looking for your groove at work, in your community life or at the gym...there is an app for that.

The free Solution Linx app provides you with a daily prompt to move you towards your goals in the area of your life on which you would like to focus.

Check out the app - and download the first month free.  You will be happy you did!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Math and Life

At Solution Linx Online Coaching, we focus on moving people forward in many ways - personally, professionally and in wellness.

We started out way back (more than 5 years ago now) during an economic downturn focused on making a difference for others - because we knew that we could try to help build optimism.

We were, and still are, grateful and appreciate all those who helped (and still help) along the way.  This helps us build our own forward momentum.

Today is the day to appreciate someone who has helped you build forward momentum.
That appreciation builds your own optimism and you get momentum in return.
