Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Joy of Spring

This is the time of year where we get outside - look round and see the clutter we have created around ourselves all winter.  And this winter was especially long, wasn't it?!

Well, if your office or your house or your yard look like this, it is time to open the windows and air out the joint.  Step outside and clean up whatever is out there clogging your line of sight.

The simple idea of Spring Cleaning really hits at the heart of cleaning out the clutter, getting rid of what is in the way and putting away the signs of the cold winter, while we look forward to the sunshine and the blooms bursting forth from the ground.

This cleansing activity is quite amazing - you feel restored, refreshed and ready to tackle anything.

Get going - the first step always starts with you ....
the joy of Springtime is right around that next pile of stuff.

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