Tuesday, May 13, 2014

One Step at a Time

The HAPPY theme continues into May and this poster says it all.

It takes only one step at a time to focus on what makes you happy.

Listen to your gut - it tells you everything - especially about the toxic stuff that truly bugs you or bogs you down.

Once you have that stuff figured out, it is much easier to eliminate it from your life so that you can pay attention & focus on what makes you happy.

While this is not easy, here is a tricky solution to a difficult situation:
in my business, there is research I love to do & sometimes cannot get to it because of the other admin that gets in the way....by delegating the admin, I now can block time to do this research and feel good about both
You can apply this to exercise, cooking, chores, people.....take your time to look at your life and where you spend your time.  Is it doing things that make you happy? or not?

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