Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Learning is Action

The Element by Sir Ken Robinson
This amazing book opened up my eyes to learning.  Learning is action.  The Element is finding the space where learning, growth and happiness/fulfillment go together for you.  So for each of us it is different.  Take a minute to imagine that space - where you act in tune with who you are - you are a creative individual. Think about the people you you allow them to be in their element?
"People who think differently make the world a more interesting place. We need to nurture and help develop creative people, instead of labeling them as damaged."

[Temple Grandin, Author of 
Thinking in Pictures]

"Ken Robinson presents the theme of creativity and innovation in a way that makes you want to go out and make your dreams a reality. In his wonderfully easy-to-read and entertaining style he presents the stories of many who have done just that. This is a valuable book for educators and community leaders ... most important, it is a book that lightens and lifts the minds and hearts of all who read it.

[Susan Jeffers, PhD., bestselling author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® and Life Is Huge!

"The Element gives you the feeling that all is possible if we dig deeply within ourselves, utilizing imagination and curiosity."

[Vidal Sassoon, hairdresser and businessman] - (all reviews originally by theelementbook)
Sir Ken Robinson will be at Leadercast on May 6, 2011.  To find a site in your area click here:  Leadercast

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Business Life Coaching

Solution Linx Online Coaching offers online business life coaching solutions that will help individuals develop personally, professionally and physically. Solution Linx will encourage and support enrolees who wish to enjoy business life coaching in the endeavour to develop their own life goals and create a personal vision.

Solution Linx consists of a committed group of entrepreneurs, who, at different stages of life, have acquired diverse experience, skills and qualifications in business life coaching, leadership development, fitness and wellness, business and management. The goal of Solution Linx is to link individuals to solutions by providing online business life coaching.

A relationship with Solution Linx is also a business life coaching relationship. Solution Linx works with each individual to connect them to the answers that are already there, within themselves. At Solution Linx, the business life coaching partner will also gladly answer any questions that arise along the way. The business life coaching relationship is a two-way street and when Solution Linx provides a daily email relating to monthly modules, the member role will be to make business life coaching time a priority.

While enrolees take the business life coaching, the Solution Linx role is to prompt each member to be honest and look inside themselves for the answers. When taking the business life coaching members should be prepared to be open-minded when offered creative suggestions and be ready to change if necessary. Solution Linx urges members to respond punctually to email questions and ask questions. Business life coaching is focused on leadership, although members do not necessarily have to be a CEO or bear any title to act like a leader every day of their lives.

Solution Linx suggests that through the business life coaching, members will become aware that, acting as their best self, they can succeed in any venture and inspire and teach others along the way. In order for members to get the most out of their personal business life coaching, pre-work will assist them to focus on achieving the desired results. Solution Linx business life coaching will provide new and different perspectives and help members to reach the future they always hoped for. The ideal business life coaching result is that which is planned and targeted towards personal goals. Business life coaching at its best is an exceptional method to help members move forward and transform their lives into what they want them to be.

Solution Linx offers affordable business life coaching that is easy to use, convenient and helps to build self-accountability. The business life coaching provided by Solution Linx presents many topics that drive professional success. Each topic can be aligned to whichever role the member is currently in and also later as a career grows. Members who are looking to prove themselves to be authentic leaders in their chosen fields will be in the spotlight, have followers and have their lives scrutinized. Solution Linx hastens to add that all members enrolling for the business life coaching online can rest assured that all of their personal information will be secure and confidential.

Online Coaching

If you seem to be stuck in a rut with your life and are wondering how you can get out of it, then take a deep breath and relax because the solution to your problem is near at hand. For quite some time now, Solution Linx has been developing their online life coach programs so that you can still maintain your busy lifestyle, but the only difference is that you get to incorporate new ideas throughout your day that are meant to help you grow as a person. Becoming a better you, whether that is more confident, a greater leader, healthier physically and mentally, or any other goal is not much easier than it has been before because this program does not simply give you the answers – it helps you along the way so that you can find your own answers. This is not easy but it is far more beneficial for you in the long run. All you need at the moment is a little motivation to find a comfy chair and go online to the user-friendly website of Solution Linx Online Coaching!

Imagine being able to wake up and find in your inbox an email from Solution Linx and your personal online life coach that is there just to start the process of furthering you as a person. What many people do not realize is that making life changes starts with just one small step. It does not have to be one large stride – just a little bit every single day will ensure that you will not get burned out during the process and also will guarantee that in the end, those little steps will combine to make huge changes in your life. While it may seem so overwhelming at first, just keep up with it and continue to let your online life coach keep you accountable and offer up certain solutions that will encourage you to work towards the end goal. You will not find magical answers through this online life coach, but what you will find is many questions that will force you to find the answers within yourself. This alone means that you gain a whole new level of strength since you conquered this hurdle yourself! An online life coach may be just the thing to keep you accountable and it will never fail or get tired out because they are there on a non-biased basis to assist you in any way possible. So once again, grab a comfortable chair and get ready to have the options presented right in front of you on the computer screen because your positive life changes start NOW.

Still not sure which online life coach program would be best for you? Check out the variety of focus modules and things to consider.  Your online life coach is waiting for you to make a move, so sign on today and get ready to lead a more wholesome life filled with health and confidence.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Look for What's Next

We never seem to stop where we are to look around.  We are always looking for what’s next. And sometimes, what’s next may not be good for us.  So how about today, just once, we stop...and look at what we have and be grateful for where we are.  That we are here.  In one piece.   Living.  Breathing.  Here.